What Is Pinterest Used For?
Pinterest does not have as many users as other social media platforms, like Facebook or Instagram. But its expanding user base and popularity, especially among young adults, still make it an attractive platform for businesses to market on. To do that, brands need to first understand the top uses of Pinterest, as it will allow them to fine-tune their growth strategy to reach new buyers.

What is Pinterest used for: top five uses of Pinterest
So, why do people use Pinterest?
According to recent data, following and researching brands and products is the top reason people use Pinterest. More than one-third (36.8%) of active Pinterest users (of which there are close to half a million) list it as a reason they use the platform. Coupled with other Pinterest statistics suggesting that most users are on the social network to seek inspiration, with home design being the most sought-after category, businesses in this sector should certainly be present on Pinterest to increase brand awareness.
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Second on the list of the top Pinterest uses is looking for funny and entertaining content. More than one in five (21.2%) active Pinterest users say it’s why they’re present on the social media platform. That said, the same data shows that Pinterest isn’t consumers’ preferred social network for entertainment. This honor belongs to TikTok—as many as 79.6% of TikTok’s user base (currently at 834.3 million worldwide) use it to satisfy their entertainment needs.
Sharing media like photos or videos also ranks among the top uses of Pinterest. 13.9% of its users name it as a reason they are on Pinterest. Another study shows that consumers aren’t the only ones posting on Pinterest. Annual ad revenues from companies promoting their products and services on Pinterest have been rising since 2017, and are expected to hit $2.9 billion in 2023. By 2026, this number is forecast to be $4.1 billion.
Staying up to date with news and current events is also a popular use of Pinterest, according to its users. 13.2% of them say it’s why they use the social network. Keeping in touch with friends and family via in-app messaging is the fifth most popular reason people use Pinterest—5.9% of its users list it as a motive for being on Pinterest.