Top US Brands in 2022
One way to achieve success for your ecommerce store is to look to the best for inspiration. This means knowing what the top US brands are and understanding why they’re well liked by consumers.

Top brands in the US
According to the latest rankings published by YouGov, Band-Aid currently tops the list of the most popular brands in the US in 2022.
The determination was made after surveying adult consumers and measuring their perception of over 2,000 brands. Specifically, the ranking tracks and measures top US brands based on impression, quality, value, customer satisfaction, reputation, and likelihood of being recommended.
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Their scores are then calculated by subtracting negative feedback from positive and can range from -100 to 100. This means that a brand with a score of zero has the same amount of positive and negative feedback.
With an overall score of 51.2, Band-Aid, owned by Johnson and Johnson, is the most popular US brand for the sixth year running. It slightly edged out Dawn, a brand of dishwashing liquid, by a marginal 0.7 points.
This is followed by St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, a pediatric treatment facility in Tennessee, with 45.9 points, and Dove, a beauty brand, with 45.8 points. Clorox, best known for its cleaning products, rounds out the five most popular brands in America, with 45.3 points.
South Korean electronics manufacturer Samsung leads the remaining popular brands in the US in sixth place, with 45 points. Incidentally, it’s also the most popular brand in the world. Two chocolate brands, Hershey’s and M&M’s, follow, with scores of 44.7 and 44.5, respectively.
Ranked among the largest retailers in the US, it should come as no surprise that ecommerce giant Amazon also features on this list of top US brands. It is in ninth place with 43.3 points, just ahead of Lowe’s, a home improvement store headquartered in North Carolina.
Taking a closer look, we see that brands that sell perishables and home-related products dominate the list of top US brands. Of the top 10, four (Band-Aid, Dawn, Clorox, and Lowe’s) relate to day-to-day home cleaning or improvement, while two (Hershey’s and M&M’s) are food brands.