Top Ecommerce Categories in the US
If you’re starting an online store, it’s important to know what the top ecommerce categories are so you can tap on the right products, boost sales, and grow your business.
According to recent data on ecommerce sales by product category, the top-selling items of 2022 are expected to be computer and consumer electronics. Total retail ecommerce sales from these products are forecast to reach $219.33 billion. It is also expected to constitute 21.5% of total retail ecommerce sales, which means that more than one in five dollars spent by consumers online in 2022 is on computer and consumer electronics products.
That’s not all. The data also shows that the majority (56.3%) of the products from this category are now being sold online—making it an attractive niche for budding online store owners. It is also expected to be one of the fastest-growing consumer product categories in the US. According to analysts’ projections, total online sales from this category are expected to grow 15% this year.
The second-largest ecommerce category in terms of sales is apparel and accessories. In 2022, it is expected to generate $203.75 billion in sales. Like computer and electronics products, its market share of total retail ecommerce sales is also projected at around 20%.
Together, sales from these top two ecommerce categories are forecast to total $423.08 billion—representing a whopping 40.9% of total retail sales online.
At $129.45 billion, furniture and home furnishings is set to be the third-best-selling ecommerce product category in 2022.
This is followed by health and personal care and beauty products, at $111.03 billion. Of this overarching category, the two biggest subcategories are pet products, generating $21.38 billion in sales, and cosmetics and beauty products, whose overall sales are set to hit $18.6 billion.
Rounding out the top five ecommerce categories of 2022 is auto and parts, which is set to register $86.26 billion in sales. Analysts say this is set to be the fastest-growing ecommerce product category in the US. Online sales from these products are expected to increase by 30.1% in 2022.
Here are the other top ecommerce categories ranked by total sales:
- Food and beverage: $78.28 billion
- Toys and hobby: $74.03 billion
- Books/music/video: $54.02 billion
- Office equipment and supplies: $19.35 billion
- Other: $58.32 billion