After suddenly losing her father in 2004, Rhonda Byrne’s life fell into turmoil. Her relationships with colleagues and loved ones frayed, and she became increasingly despondent. However, during this period of soul-searching and self-inquiry, she discovered what she refers to as “The Secret” to life. By tracing its origins throughout history, she realized that the world’s greatest thinkers, from Plato and Shakespeare, to Edison and Einstein, all knew The Secret, and it was the key to their success.
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What Is The Secret About?
Believing wholeheartedly in the power of The Secret, Byrne decided the next step was to write a book. The Secret includes the wisdom of the 24 different teachers featured in the film, in addition to Byrne’s tips to help you live a life you’ve only dreamed of. With The Secret, Byrne states that you can be, have, or do anything you want and get to know who you really are.
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The Secret Revealed
Across nearly all religious thought and as testified by some of the greatest thinkers of our time, the law of attraction is said to be the most powerful law in the universe. It’s a law that began at the beginning of time and that determines the order of things within the universe. It forms your life experience – and it does so, Byrne believes, through your thoughts.
Byrne argues that all those who become wealthy have done so by using The Secret, either consciously or unconsciously. As they think predominantly about wealth and don’t let contradictory thoughts enter their mind, wealth comes to them. This, according to Byrne, is the law of attraction in action. Similar arguments can be found in Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. Like Byrne, Hill believed that by repeating a set of daily mantras and reprogramming your thoughts, you can manifest great riches.
Consequently, Byrne believes that your current life is a reflection of your past thoughts. You attract what you think about the most. To change your life, you must change your thoughts. You literally think your life into existence. What you’re thinking now will create your future life. One way to master your mind is to learn how to quieten it. Each teacher who contributed to The Secret practices daily meditation. By quieting your mind, you become aware of your thoughts and, thus, learn that you can control both your thoughts and your life.
The Secret Made Simple
Building on this, Byrne believes that your feelings are your greatest tool. Because they are caused directly by your thoughts, they let you know what you are thinking. By becoming aware of what you are feeling, you can uncover what you’re thinking. Byrne believes it’s impossible to simultaneously feel bad while having good thoughts.
By shifting your thoughts to focus on what you want, your feelings will eventually confirm that your frequency has changed as you will start to feel good. From here, the law of attraction will take over and manifest these thoughts as reality.
How to Use The Secret
- Ask: To get what you want, you must first ask for it. However, you must be clear about what you want before you ask for it.
- Believe: Here, you must believe that what you want is already yours. Understand that the moment you ask for it, you will have received it. Once you ask, the universe shifts to accommodate for your want. You must have faith in the law.
- Receive: The final step in the process is simply receiving what you’ve asked for and relishing in it.
Now that you know the steps of how to put The Secret into action, Byrne suggests starting small. This means thinking about your day in advance. At the start of each day, you should think about the tasks you have to do, but visualize them going the best possible way they could. This sends out positive frequencies to the universe and, due to the law of attraction, will manifest in reality. This helps you live a life of intention.
Powerful Processes
As you begin to change your thought patterns, powerful changes will take place in your life. One of the most beneficial steps to begin changing the way you think is to practice gratitude. Start by making a list of all the things you are grateful for. This will shift your energy and, thus, your thoughts. Make gratitude part of your daily routine, and you will see dramatic, positive changes in your life. By feeling more grateful for the things you already have, you start to attract more of the good things.
In addition to gratitude, practicing visualization is also an excellent technique for using the law of attraction. By visualizing what you want, you generate thoughts and feelings as if you already had what you desire. This demonstrates a deep trust in the universe. Creating vision boards can be particularly helpful when visualizing, especially if you put the board in a place that you’ll look at frequently each day.
The Secret to Money
The law of attraction can be applied to every area of life. Money is no exception. However, to invite more money into your life, you must focus on your future wealth, not on any thoughts that say you don’t currently have enough. By focusing on the latter, you will only create more circumstances in which you won’t have enough. Yet, by visualizing and believing that you already have more than enough money, you will manifest it as a reality.
By doing so, you will instantly see your relationship to money change. You will feel more at ease with your finances, and then money will begin to flow into your life. By feeling happy in the present, you will get everything you could want. By radiating feelings of joy, the universe will reflect that back to you in abundance. Byrne argues that this is the fastest way to accumulate money. Wealth is a mindset.
The Secret to Relationships
Any action that we take is first preceded by a thought. Therefore, by looking at our actions, we can see the physical manifestation of our thoughts. If you want to cultivate something in your life, you must ensure that your actions don’t contradict your wants. You must act as if you’ve already received your deepest desires.
This is also true for relationships. If you don’t treat yourself the way you want others to treat you, your actions contradict your desires for a happy, healthy relationship. First, you must start with yourself. You are responsible for your own joy. When you independently create joy in your life, you’ll naturally be more loving to those that surround you. This will attract more people to you.
By treating yourself with love and respect, the law of attraction will bring people into your life who love and respect you. However, if you don’t love yourself, you will block all of the gifts the universe has to offer. Instead, you will only attract more people, situations, and circumstances that strengthen your belief that you’re unlovable or a bad person. By starting to focus on the positive parts of your character and what you like about yourself, you’ll begin to change your frequency and attract better partners.
The Secret to Health
In the healing arts, the power of the placebo effect is well-known. It’s a powerful phenomenon in which patients are cured even when they’ve been given, for example, a sugar pill as opposed to a pharmaceutical drug. According to Byrne, this proves that by simply thinking and believing that you’ve been cured, you manifest it as a reality. She controversially believes that if you bring an abundance of positivity and love into your life, you can cure yourself of disease.
Byrne suggests visualizing thoughts of perfection, as she argues that illness cannot reside in a body that has harmonious thoughts. Likewise, if you feel unwell, don’t reinforce any negative thought patterns by talking about how unwell you feel. Instead, do the opposite and talk about how great you feel. According to Byrne’s logic, you can think yourself to a state of perfect health.
The Secret to The World
Byrne argues that if you resist your feelings, you prevent yourself from changing your reality. To change your reality, you must go within yourself and create a new frequency with your thoughts and feelings. By resisting something, you give more energy and power to it. The universe, therefore, sends you more of what you resist.
Consequently, Byrne argues that you cannot help the world by focusing on the negative aspects of it. By absorbing yourself in negative events, you add to them, and you bring more negativity into your life. While you may feel helpless to big world events, you have the power to help change them. By focusing on abundance and love, and transmitting these thoughts out into the universe, you can change the course of events.
The Secret to You
Byrne believes that humans are the most powerful transmission receptors for energy. Every individual vibrates at their own frequency dependent on their thoughts and feelings. The same is said of all the things that you desire. These things are composed of energy and, thus, when you think about what you want, you cause that thing to vibrate at your frequency so that it comes to you. This is because the law of attraction states that like attracts like.
As you are energy, and energy can neither be created or destroyed, the energy of your being will always be. Your energy will always exist. Further, Byrne states that what exists does so within one universal mind and, thus, we are all one. Therefore, when you have negative thoughts, you separate yourself from the one mind and all that is good. Consequently, you should let go of past hurts and negative thoughts.
By becoming aware of your true power, you realize that you are the master of your world. It’s the awareness that is key. By bringing awareness to your thoughts and feelings, by asking yourself what you are thinking and feeling throughout the day, you bring awareness to the present. By doing so, you bring awareness to any negative thoughts and feelings, and you are in a position to transform them into positive frequencies.

The Secret to Life
You get to fill your life with whatever you want. With The Secret, you get to have a fresh start. Start doing more of what brings you joy and commit yourself to happiness, and the law of attraction will bring you more joyful things in abundance. As The Secret lives within you, the more you use its power, and the more you will draw it to you. Byrne believes that the world turns, the birds sing, and the sun rises and sets all for you. You are the perfection of life, and that is the truest form of The Secret.
You can buy The Secret by Rhonda Byrne on Amazon.