This is Product Watch, our weekly look into the hottest products that entrepreneurs can start selling today.
Technology is ever present in our lives. We have electronic devices everywhere, and that means we end up having chargers and wires everywhere too.
And if you’re somebody who wants your home to look neat and tidy, that can be a huge problem.
Plus, let’s be honest, we’re all spending more time at home nowadays, so why wouldn’t you want things to look neat and tidy?
That's why this weeks product is so useful. It's the cable manager.
Click on the image above to start selling this product.
This cable manager is a simple product, with a sleek design, and you can place it across your home and run your cables through it for perfect cable management.
It’s great for people who are working from home too, who’ve now found that work has taken up a (potentially large) space within their homes.
It must be said too, that cable management isn’t a trend – it’s an established niche.
Just check the Google Trends data below and you’ll see that over the past five years this has been a topic that’s consistently searched for.
That’s massive for us entrepreneurs, as it means that it’ll be easier to convince people why they need these products.
So, let’s sort out a pricing strategy and some marketing tips that’ll actually help you to sell this product.
Here’s some great news: these products are actually pretty cheap to source from suppliers on AliExpress.
Depending on the variant of the product that you select, you’ll be able to pick them up for your store for between $1.50 – $2.50.
Like we said, they’re pretty cheap.
But they’re not just cheap to source, they’re cheap to get in the hands of your customers too.
In fact, most suppliers on AliExpress offer free shipping for these products. That gives you more wiggle room to make profit when you’re selling them, while still offering your customers free shipping.
Speaking of profit, you’re probably wondering what price point you should sell these products at.
We’ve done the research, and we found that similar products are being sold online for between $10 and $15 per unit.
Price your products in around this mark too – it’s a competitive market, so you don’t want to stray too far from the predefined range.
Also, you’ll be able to create bundles of these products at a discounted price – sure, you’ll take the hit on the profit margin per unit sold, but you’ll be able to increase your average order value, and that means you’ll need to spend less marketing money to generate that revenue itoo.
Speaking of marketing, let’s talk about the best way to actually sell these products.
- Product Cost: $1.50 – $2.50
- Recommended Retail Price: $10 – $15
This is the fun part – actually selling the product.
Now, it might be immediately clear to you why somebody would need this product.
But we can't assume that everybody who sees this product will know the benefits that cable managers bring.
So let's make sure that we communicate these benefits to people clearly.
Here's a quick list of why somebody would love these products.
- Simple design
- Less mess in their home
- They're small, so can be tucked away
- Keep all your wires together (no more losing your chargers)
- Less likely to trip over your wires if they're neat and tidy
That's a pretty solid list of benefits. I think if you stopped somebody in the street and asked them if they'd pay $10 to never lose their phone charger again, that'd be a fair trade.
And that's excluding all the other benefits. Those benefits are why somebody will actually make a purchase from your store, so make sure that they're front and center in your marketing campaigns.
You'll want to deliver those marketing campaigns using Facebook and Instagram video ads, too.
That's the best way to tap into the huge market of shoppers who're looking for help with their cable management.
To help you on your way, we've dropped an example audience that you can use to start selling these products today.
Now it's over to you. See if you can manage to make sales selling these high-potential products.
Facebook Ad Targeting
Location: USA
Age: 18 – 65+
Gender: All
People who match: Coworking, Home Office, Office Space, Workspace
Devices: All
Placements: Facebook News Feed, Instagram Feed, Instagram Stories

Product Watch: 4th January
To kick off 2021 we've got a kitchen accessory that's on course to become a bestseller.
It's the Garlic Press.
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Click on the image to start selling this product.
This product is actually a little controversial. Professional chefs typically don't use it, as they think they can achieve better results with a knife, and that's okay.
We're not going to be targeting this product towards professional chefs.
We'll be targeting these products who're looking to spend less time prepping their meals, and who're looking to level up their cooking skills – that's who this product is ideal for.
And more people will be cooking at home in 2021, partly due to the ongoing global situation, but also partly due to people working towards their New Year's Resolutions too.
Seriously, take a look at the Google Trends data.
This graph shows the frequency of people searching for "garlic press" on Google over the past year. Essentially, the number of people who're looking to make a purchase for this product online.
And as you can see, it was high all last year, but it's spiking now, which makes this the perfect opportunity to start selling this product yourself.
Let's look at how you can capitalize on this perfect opportunity and set yourself up to make sales.
When it comes to choosing a price for any product that you want to sell online, you need to think about two main things:
- How much it costs to source the product
- How much it costs to sell the product
Luckily, sourcing garlic presses for your store is fairly simple and cheap, especially if you use AliExpress.
You can leverage suppliers on AliExpress and add these products to your store, and they can cost as little as $1.
Pretty cheap, right?
It's especially true when you consider that similar products are being sold online for as much as $20.
That means, if you source a product for $1, and sell it for $20, you'll make a whopping $19 in profit.
As these products are small in size, and ligthweight, they're also going to be pretty cheap to ship to your customers too (directly from your suppliers warehouse). You're looking at shipping prices of less than a dollar to most major markets.
So, with all that in mind we recommend trying a starting price point between $15 and $20 for these products.
Remember, this is just a starting point. You might find that this is too cheap, or too expensive, after you've been selling these products for a while, and that's fine – entrepreneurship is all about trial and error.
And, of course, you'll need to factor in the price to sell your product too – so let's dive into the best way to market these products next.
- Product Cost: $1 – $3
- Recommended Retail Price: $15 – $20
Selling the product. This is the last, but most important piece of the puzzle
We know these are great, high-potential products. Next comes the hard part – convincing potential customers that they need these products.
How do we convince people that they need something? We focus on the benefits.
So what is it about this product that will make peoples lives better in a tangible way?
That's what'll make them go through with a purchase, not the product itself.
Is it the fact that this product makes prepping meals quicker?
Or maybe it's the fact that it's easier to press garlic than it is to dice garlic with a knife?
You could also try and play on the New Year's Resolution idea – people will have goals set to expand their culinary skills in 2021, and they'll be looking for products that can help them to do that.
All of these reasons (and more) are your "why". Make sure you cover these in your marketing campaigns.
Which marketing channels are best? We recommend Facebook and Instagram ads for these products, as you'll be able to tap into their interest-based targeting options to get these products in front of people who're likely to make a purchase.
Cast the net wide at first with your ads. Your Facebook Pixel will use the data it gets from your first ads to optimize your campaigns in the future, and that's going to be invaluable.
We want you to start 2021 right, so we've dropped an example Facebook target audience below to get you started.
Be mindful of your marketing costs too – if you spend too much on paid marketing to get a sale you could end up losing money. Track your daily budgets and optimize based on the margins you've set for this product.
Okay, it's your turn now. Make 2021 the best year yet and start selling these high-potential products today. We can't wait to see you crush it.
Facebook Ad Targeting
Location: USA
Age: 18 – 65+
Gender: All
People who match: Food presentation, Tableware
and must also match: Kitchen utensil, KitchenAid
Devices: All
Placements: Facebook News Feed, Instagram Feed, Instagram Stories
Product Watch: December 18th
Let's keep the product recommendations rolling in with this beauty accessory.
It’s the Face Roller.
Click on the image above to start selling these products.
These products are used to gently massage your face. But it doesn’t just feel great, it brings a host of benefits too, by stimulating the lymphatic system.
But wait, what does that actually mean?
Well, here's how a face roller can help your... face:
- Add a natural contour
- Decrease puffiness
- Stimulate blood-flow
- Reduce toxins
That's a lot of great benefits, and it's what makes this the perfect product for brands who're looking to step up their beauty offering in 2021.
Plus, take a look at the Google Trends data for these products.
Above you’ll see the Google search data for face rollers from the past five years across the globe.
As the graph shows, this product has been steadily growing in popularity, and it's looking like it's about to explode over the next couple of months.
Seriously, there’s never been a better time to start selling this product than now.
Sourcing face rollers for your online store is a simple task if you use AliExpress.
You'll be able to work with suppliers on AliExpress and pick up these products for between $3 and $4.50.
That's a fair price for these products, especially when you consider that other online brands are selling similar products for between $20 – $50.
We recommend opting for a price point between $20 and $30, especially if you're selling these products in a brand-new store.
That'll leave you enough room to make profit when you're selling these products, especially when you consider the cost of shipping.
Unfortunately, free shipping isn't available for these products. It's going to cost you around $3 in total to ship these products internationally, taking your total cost to about $8 to sell these products.
Still though, if you can find a way to clever market these products there's plenty of money to be made. Speaking of marketing, let's dive in.
- Product Cost: $8
- Recommended Retail Price: $20 - $30
At this point we both know that these are high-potential products that can bring real value to shoppers.
This is where marketing comes in – we need to convince shoppers that the value is worth their hard-earned cash.
And to do that you'll need to focus on the clear benefits that this product brings to people.
Remember, it's the outcome of using the product that people really want, rather than the product itself.
Less puffy skin, reduced toxins, better blood-flow... these are results that people who are into beauty are already searching for.
So place some test orders, and take a simple video to show how simple the product is to use. Get a friend of family member who has great skin, and ask them to model for you.
Combine your creative with some short, snappy copy that clearly conveys the benefits that this product brings, and you'll be on to a winner.
Then, you'll want to deliver your marketing campaigns using both Facebook and Instagram ads to people who're likely to make a purchase using interest-based targeting.
Go broad at first with your ads – let your Facebook pixel gather some data, and then optimize your campaigns using the results that you get.
Looking for an example Facebook target audience? We've dropped one below to help you on your way.
Oh, one important thing – be clear that these products might not arrive before the holidays. You don't want to end up putting in the work to get sales and then receive return requests because you weren't clear about your shipping times.
Alright, that's it from us. Now it's over to you. Start selling face rollers today and show us what you can do with this high-potential product.
Facebook Ad Targeting
Location: USA
Age: 18 – 65+
Gender: All
People who match: Beauty & Care, Facial
and must also match: Skin care
Devices: All
Placements: Facebook News Feed, Instagram Feed, Instagram Stories
Product Watch: 7th December
It's the perfect time of the year to start selling fitness products.
So, this week on Product Watch we're featuring foam rollers.
Click on the image above to start selling this product.
These fitness accessories are known to relieve tightness, soreness, and inflammation in muscles.
That means you'll be able to recover faster, and work out more because of these handy products.
They’re perfect for a pre-workout warm up routine, or for cooling down after you’ve already done exercise.
Sounds like a great product, huh?
And it's ideal to sell this high-potential product right now for two reasons:
- It’s the holiday season, so you can capitalize on shoppers looking for gifts
- It’ll be 2021 soon, and that means people are looking to start new fitness journeys.
Seriously – take a look at the Google Trends data below.
Searches for “foam rollers” in the USA spiked last year around Christmas, and then remained high until February.
It’s important to remember too that people who are searching for this term on Google are looking to do one thing: make a purchase.
And let’s be clear here – it isn’t just fitness New Year’s resolutions that this product helps with. It’ll also help people who are looking to save money and do home workouts too.
Everything is lining up for this to be an amazing product to sell. Let’s get you a pricing strategy and some marketing tips so you can start selling it yourself.
Here’s the good news – sourcing these products from suppliers on AliExpress is fairly affordable.
You’ll be able to pick foam rollers up for your store for around $4.50, which is a decent price.
Especially so when you consider that similar products are being sold online for anywhere between $25 and $60.
Shipping isn’t free for these foam rollers unfortunately, as they’re medium sized products, but it is quite affordable.
You’re looking at somewhere between $3 and $4 for shipping, depending on where you’re shipping to, of course.
That’s going to take your full price to source and ship these products to around $8.
When it comes to pricing these products for your own store, we’d recommend shooting for something in the range of $25 – $30.
That’ll put you at the lower range of the market, and that’s fine, especially if you're just starting out.
If you can make sales at that price point you'll still be able to make plenty of profit, that you can either keep, or reinvest into your store.
Of course, you'll need to know how you're going to make sales first, so let's take a look at the best tactics for marketing foam rollers next.
- Product Cost: $8
- Recommended Retail Price: $25 - $30
Honestly, if you take a glance at a foam roller, it isn't really clear what this product does.
So think... if you can get just a glance from a potential shopper, what would you want them to know about the product?
Would it be the materials that are used to create the product? Well, maybe?
What about the size of the product? Eh, definitely no.
Would you want them to know how it can make their tired, achey muscles feel great consistently? Yeah, now we're talking.
That's the essence of marketing – it's easier to convince a person to purchase a product based on their emotional response, rather than rationalities.
So use this in your marketing campaigns.
Try launching some Facebook and Instagram ads using visuals that show the benefits of this product.
Convince people that they'll feel great after they use a foam roller themselves. That's the key to unlocking the potential of this product.
But you don't need to rely on paid marketing campaigns to sell these products, you can also try some long-term marketing plays for foam rollers too.
Try and create content – written, video, or audio – about the benefits of foam rollers, and why they're used by so many athletes.
Having that content on your website will potentially go a long way in helping shoppers who are on the fence to make a purchase.
After all, if it's good enough for Lebron James, it's good enough for them too.
Optimize the content that you create for SERPs too – if you can nail your SEO and start generating organic traffic for your website, you'll have a steady stream of potential customers visiting your website without you needing to worry about spending money on ads.
Okay, that's all for us for this week. We've dropped an example target audience below for you, if you want to try launching some Facebook and Instagram ads for this product.
Now you've got everything you need to sell foam rollers and watch the sales, ahem, roll in.
If that pun didn't break you, we'll see you for next week's edition of Product Watch.
Facebook Ad Targeting
Location: USA
Age: 18 – 65+
Gender: All
People who match: Exercise equipment
and must also match: Yoga
Devices: All
Placements: Facebook News Feed, Instagram Feed, Instagram Stories
Product Watch: 30th November
It’s the holiday season, and products from the “Toy” niche unsurprisingly perform extremely well during this time of the year.
That’s why we’re going to talk about chess sets on Product Watch this week.
Click on the image above to start selling this product.
It’s a classic toy that’s seeing an astronomical rise in popularity at the moment.
Just look at the Google Trends data below and you’ll see what we mean.
Searches for “chess sets” surge every year around the holiday season, but this year is like no other.
And this is because of the Netflix show, The Queen’s Gambit.
If you haven’t already seen it, it’s the story of a young female chess phenom.
It’s taken the world by storm, and it’s now the most-watched scripted limited series to date on Netflix.
More than 62 million households have already watched the show. That's massive.
In their press release, Netflix said: “searches for ‘chess sets’ on eBay are up 250% [...] and the number of new players has increased five fold on
All of this equates to an unprecedented number of people who want to buy chess sets.
Let’s make sure it’s your store that they purchase their next chess set from.
It'll cost you around $15 – $25 to source a standard sized chess set for your store from suppliers on AliExpress.
If you tune in to Product Watch every week, you might notice that's a bit more expensive than the typical products that we select, but hear us out.
There's plenty of profit to be made by selling these products, even if you source them for $25.
Well, we've done some market research on these products, and we've found that similar chess sets are being sold for between $40 – $150 online.
Of course, the higher end of this scale is reserved for the premium, or even vintage chess sets.
It goes to show that there's a huge swing in what the market is prepared to actually pay for these products.
And you don't need to come in at the high end of the market to make profit.
Instead, go for something mid-range. $40 – $50 sounds like a good starting point. This will allow you to generate profit from each sale, assuming you nail your marketing.
Don't forget that plenty of the chess sets that are available on AliExpress, like the one we've linked to in this post, offer free shipping.
- Product Cost: $15 – $25
- Recommended Retail Price: $40 – $50
When it comes to marketing chess sets, there’s one huge advantage that you’ve got.
Pretty much everybody knows what a chess set is.
That means you won't need to convince them why chess is a great game.
Instead, you need to convince them why they need a new chess set. Specifically, one from your store.
That means you're not actually selling a chess set – you're selling the experiences.
Think of what people will get from buying this product that isn't just, well, the product.
They'll be able to have fun with the whole family, especially over the holiday period, or when they're socially distancing.
Push the idea that it's a cerebral game. It's one that will keep people engaged, because they really need to think about what they're doing when they're great.
Put yourself in the shoes of a child that's asking for a chess set as a gift. How would they pitch it? That's how you sell it to parents.
Those are your narratives. Combine these with visuals that'll help you to grab the attention of potential customers.
You want to create videos for your marketing efforts that are friendly and approachable. After all, this is a toy. So show people having fun with a chess set.
Then, you'll want to get your message in front of potential shoppers using Facebook and Instagram ads.
Here's another huge plus point for chess sets – they've got a predefined audience of people who are fanatical about the game that you can tap into.
We've dropped an example target audience below for your first Facebook and Instagram ads that'll tap into that exact audience.
Okay, now it's over to you to start selling. Or, should we say... "it's your move".
Facebook Ad Targeting
Location: USA
Age: 18 – 65+
Gender: All
People who match: Chess, Magnus Carlsen, World Chess Championship
Devices: All
Placements: Facebook News Feed, Instagram Feed, Instagram Stories
Product Watch: 23rd November
Last week we shone the spotlight on a high-potential product that you might never think to dropship.
It's a motion sensor light.
Click on the image to start selling these products.
Seriously, this Home & Garden accessory is a gold mine for dropshippers.
Why? Well, this is a product that is relatively inexpensive, and that means that it's likely to be bought without much research. That's a perfect storm for dropshippers.
And this is a product that shoppers won't know that they needed... until you can convince them of the value that it'll bring to their homes, that is.
Also, think about the huge base of potential customers who are spending more time indoors lately.
Those are your potential shoppers who have more free time, and are looking to improve their home, which they're suddenly forced to spend a bunch more time in.
Sounds great, right?
There's more. Take a look at the Google Trends data below.
People are constantly searching for these products, and people don't search for terms like "motion sensor light" unless they're actually looking to make a purchase.
Everything is pointing in the right direction for this product, and it looks even better when you check our in-depth Black Friday and Cyber Monday report, and see how well Home & Garden products did last year.
Okay, okay. Enough about how great these products are. Now let's dig in to the information you need to actually start selling these products.
It's going to cost you between $4 – $7 to source these products for your store from suppliers on AliExpress. Of course, the larger products cost more money to source.
Still though, that's definitely a reasonable price for these products, especially when you consider that similar ones are being sold for as much as $30 online.
Plus, free shipping is available for these products, which is a huge win.
When it comes to pricing these products for your own store, we recommend trying something around $15 at first.
But the real key to selling these products will be to create bundles.
Why? Well, typically shoppers will want to purchase more than one of these products at a time.
So offer bundles of these products in your store, at a discounted price, to entice shoppers to buy more than one.
This is a critical play that'll enable you to increase your average order value, which is essential for all store owners.
If you do decide to sell one of these products for $15 in your store, you could try bundling three together and selling them for $30. Or even try 5 for $50.
Sure, your margins would be lower than they would if you were selling an individual product, but remember that you'll be getting more bang for your marketing bucks.
That's why increasing your average order value is so important – it generates you more revenue that you can reinvest into your business to make even more sales.
- Product Cost: $4 – $7
- Recommended Retail Price: $15
This is the most important step.
Without the proper marketing tactics, you won't get visitors onto your website.
And without visitors, you'll never make sales.
So, when it comes to marketing motion sensor lights, you want to lean into their versatility.
We're not talking about the core functionality of the product. That's simple. It's a light that turns on when it detects motion.
Instead, we mean the versatility in application.
These products can be used in so many different ways.
Think about it yourself. Where in your home would you need one of these products?
Is it in the bathroom, or the kitchen? Is it in a cupboard, or a wardrobe? Or is it something else?
The key point here is that there are so many ways to use these products.
And that needs to be the focal point of your marketing campaigns.
Remember, people buy products when they can see how they solve their problems.
So show them how these products can bring a positive impact on their lives by showing them how they can solve their problems.
Our best bet would be to use video marketing campaigns to do that, especially on Facebook and Instagram.
In your video marketing campaigns you'll want to show how big the products are, how easy they are to set up, and how they work. Then show all the different places where they can be used.
And for targeting your ads, you want to go broad at first, and gather some data for your Facebook pixel. After you've been running your ads for a little while, refine your target audience, and let your pixel do the rest.
To help you on your way, we've left an example Facebook target audience below that you can use for your first campaign.
Okay, that's all from us! Add these products to your store today and prove to yourself how great you are.
Facebook Ad Targeting
Location: USA
Age: 18 – 65+
Gender: All
People who match: Home improvement
And must also match: Home Improvements, Renovation
Devices: All
Placements: Facebook News Feed, Instagram Feed, Instagram Stories
Product Watch: 17th November
We highlighted dog jackets on Product Watch.
The pet industry is booming. The niche has grown more than 66% over the past decade.
And pet accessories in particular offer a huge opportunity for store owners. It’s estimated that the pet accessories industry was worth more than 18 billion in 2020.
Pet products are typically great choice for dropshippers, but these products are especially powerful now that large portions of the globe are still under some form of lockdown, or have to maintain some sort of social distancing.
That’s because that’ll typically mean people want to spend more time outdoors. And as the temperatures drop in the northern hemisphere for winter, our furry friends will need to wrap up too.
If you check the Google Trends data for dog jackets, you’ll already notice that shoppers are searching in droves for these products.
This presents us with a golden opportunity to tap into a niche of engaged buyers who’re constantly on the lookout for products for their beloved pets.
We’ve got a high-potential product that people are already looking for. Let’s pair it with a clever pricing strategy, and relevant marketing campaigns. Then it’ll be a matter of time before you start making sales.
Dog jackets are pretty reasonably priced.
You’ll be able to source them from suppliers on AliExpress from between $4 – $8, depending on the size and style that you choose.
It’s fairly common that larger variants of a product cost a little more to source from a supplier, so keep that in mind.
Plus, you’ll be able to set a higher price in your store to cover the additional cost that it costs to source larger products.
Unfortunately, free shipping for these products isn’t available. But, on the brighter side shipping is quite low – an extra $2 – $3 per product.
All in all you’re looking at a maximum price of $11 to source and ship the largest variants of these products.
That might sound a little expensive at first, but we’ve done some market research into dog jackets and found that similar products are being sold for around $35.
And then of course the high-end dog jackets from designer brands can go as high as $100.
So, it’s clear that there are some decent margins to be made if you sell these products yourself.
As for a starting price, we recommend opting for $30. Just test the water – if you think it’s too low after you’ve made a few sales, you can always increase it and see how it affects the number of conversions you make.
But you really won’t have a definite idea of how to price your products until you’ve started marketing and getting people onto your online store.
So, let’s go dive into the best way to sell these products next.
- Product Cost: $4 – $8
- Recommended Retail Price: $30
When it comes to marketing this high-potential product, it’s essential that you focus on benefits.
Think deeply and underline what it is about a dog jacket that would really convince pet owners that they need to buy one.
You could lean into the idea of dog jackets being waterproof and windproof in your marketing.
Or, you could play on how easy it is to get your dog into the jacket, and how much easier it’ll be to clip your lead onto the jacket when you’re taking your dog for a walk.
All of that is true. But they’re practical benefits.
You want to play into the emotional side of a potential customer’s psyche too.
Consider this – some people actually care about their pets more than they do about other humans.
So what would it take to purchase a gift for a human that you really care about?
It’s simple. You want to make the other person happy.
Focus on that. Talk about how much happier pets are when they’re wearing a jacket in the colder months. How it’ll allow them to get out the house for longer, and go on more adventures in the winter time.
And don’t just talk about it. Show it.
Place some test orders for these products, and craft some engaging videos for your marketing campaigns.
Then, launch some Facebook and Instagram ads to promote these products using your videos that clearly explain the benefits that shoppers and their pets will get if they make a purchase.
When it comes to targeting your Facebook and Instagram ads, we strongly recommend trying to sell these products to people in the USA.
Why? Well, according to data from The Economist, roughly two in three households in the USA own a pet.
People in the USA also spend the most on their pets too, followed by people in the UK.
That’s why you want to aim your ads at those markets – match a high-potential product with a high-potential audience.
To help you on your way, we’ve left an example Facebook target audience below that you can use for your very first campaign.
Alright! Now it’s over to you. You’ve got everything you need to start selling these products. Put in the work and make some magic happen.
Facebook Ad Targeting
Location: USA
Age: 18 – 65+
Gender: All
People who match: Dog Lovers, Pet store
And must also match: Pets at Home, Puppy love
Devices: All
Placements: Facebook News Feed, Instagram Feed, Instagram Stories
Product Watch: 2nd November
This is a wellness product that’s flown under the radar so far.
We predict that it’s going to explode in popularity over the next few months, especially with the holiday season quickly approaching.
It’s the head massage brush.
The product itself is simple. It’s a silicon brush with an ergonomic handle which you can use to grip the brush – perfect to use in the shower.
Seriously. It doesn’t matter if you’re having an early morning shower, or one just before you go to bed, this product will make it a better experience.
That’s because the massaging sensation that this product offers is known to relieve stress, and we can guarantee that it’ll be better at distributing products like shampoo and conditioner onto your hair and scalp more evenly than your hands.
Sounds good, right?
Well, if it’s piqued your interest, imagine how many other people will be interested in this product. With a fair pricing strategy for the head massage brush, and some well-thought-out marketing messaging, it’ll be a matter of time until the sales start flooding in.
Let’s dig in.
These products aren’t just high potential because they’re so useful, it’s because they’re relatively cheap to source too.
You’ll be able to pick these products up for your store for around $2 from suppliers on AliExpress, which is a fair price.
It’s especially fair when similar products are being sold online for as much as $35. That’s the higher end of the scale, sure, but there are plenty of other listings around $20 that we found while we were researching this product.
We think it’s a good idea to price these products around the $15 – $20 range when you’re selling them yourself.
It’s not all good news though. Unfortunately, free shipping isn’t available for these products.
Still, don’t worry too much, it’s not a huge problem.
As these products are quite small, and lightweight, it’ll only cost you a couple of dollars for delivery.
Also, remember that there are ways that you can offset the costs of shipping your products to your customers if your supplier doesn’t offer free shipping.
One example would be to offer free shipping on all orders above a certain limit.
So, if you were selling head massage brushes in your store for $20, set free shipping for orders above $30.
That’d help you to increase your average order values because people hate paying for shipping, so they’d be tempted to purchase more than one product.
Alternatively, you could just price your products a little higher, and state that you offer free shipping on your product page – your customers would end up paying the same price, but they’ll be less likely to abandon cart when they see that they need to pay for shipping.
But how exactly do you get potential shoppers onto your website? Let’s look at the best way to market these products.
- Product Cost: $2
- Recommended Retail Price: $20
We’ve already gone through the clear benefits that this product offers to people. But honestly, they’re not immediately apparent just by looking at the product.
That’s why you’ll need to be clever with the way that you position this product in your marketing, and you’ll need to rely on visuals and copy to convince shoppers why they need to purchase this product.
One interesting way that you could frame the product is a “head massage from home”. This could work really well, especially as people across the globe need to socially distance themselves, but still want to be pampered now and again.
You could also frame this product as a holiday gift. The perfect product to unwind in the winter, in a nice warm bath or shower, after all the stress of the holiday season.
The Google Trends data points to this being a great idea, with searches for “head massage” spiking right around Christmas.
Whatever way you decide to frame this product in your marketing, focus on the clear benefits – it feels great, and it’s perfect for applying products to your hair. But also, it’s portable, and because it’s quite small it’ll fit on any bathroom shelves or cabinets.
In terms of delivering this message to potential customers, we recommend using both Facebook and Instagram ads.
Why? Well, this isn’t really a product that people will search for on their own accord – largely because they probably haven’t seen one before – it’s one that they’ll impulse buy when they see an ad.
And Facebook and Instagram are the best platforms for encouraging impulse buys.
Go visual with your ads – show how the product works, and try to get the “feel good factor” across in any creatives. And if you’re looking for inspiration for your targeting, we’ve left an example audience below that you can use for your first ad.
Okay, now you’ve got everything you need to start selling this high potential product. Now it’s over to you. Good luck!
Facebook Ad Targeting
Location: USA
Age: 18 – 65+
Gender: All
People who match: Bathroom
And must also match: Home improvement
And must also match: Massage
Devices: All
Placements: Facebook News Feed, Instagram Feed, Instagram Stories

Product Watch: 19th October
If you’re looking for a unique home decor product that’s on fire, check out the LED Bonsai tree.
As you can see, it’s quite a simple product. It’s a man-made tree that’s designed in the shape of a Bonsai tree, but it features LED at the end of its branches (where you’d normally find leaves).
Pretty cool, huh?
Seriously, we love these products, and we’re sure that shoppers across the globe will too.
They add some extra light to your room – that’s going to be especially important when it’s winter in the northern hemisphere soon.
They’re also perfect products for attracting fans of TikTok aesthetics, which both teenagers and young adults are going crazy for.
As these products feature LED lights, they’re pretty safe, and you can imagine that they’ll last quite a while.
Although, this is probably one of the rare scenarios where a man-made version of a product won’t outlive the natural product. Real Bonsai trees are known to live for up to 800 years!
You’ll be able to source these products from suppliers on AliExpress for around $9 – $15.
That’s a bit more expensive than the typical dropshipping product, and that’s okay.
The important thing to focus on when you’re pricing your products is your potential profit margins.
That’s how much profit you can make by selling a specific product, factoring in all the costs associated with making that sale.
We’ve done some market research into these products, and we’ve found there’s a gap in the market. There’s not too much competition, and those that are selling similar products price them between $30 and $50 – we recommend you aim to sell your products in this range too.
So, if you source a product for $15 and sell it for $30, that’s a 100% margin. Of course, you’ll need to factor in shipping and marketing costs too, but still – there’s clearly money to be made by selling these products.
This is exactly why it’s important to focus on margins, rather than raw profit.
Speaking of marketing, let’s take a look at the best way to actually start selling LED Bonsai trees yourself.
- Product Cost: $9 – $16
- Recommended Retail Price: $30 – $40
Marketing this product is going to be real fun.
You’ve got two main routes that you can take when you’re deciding how to position this product.
First off, you can go down the home decor route. This product is a home decor product, so that’ll work perfectly.
But, there’s another route that you might not have thought of when you first saw this product.
Take a look at the Google Trends data for ‘LED tree’ from last year.
As you can see, the term started to skyrocket at this exact time last year. And then it peaked right around the holiday period.
It makes sense when you think about it.
Lots of people don’t want to mess around with buying real Christmas trees to decorate their house. They know decorations can be pricey, so they want to choose some that they’ll be able to use more than one year.
That’s exactly how you can position this product for the holiday season – a Christmas decoration, but one that people haven’t really seen before. A product that’ll add a unique touch to people’s homes.
Try using Facebook and Instagram marketing to sell these products.
Video Ads are known to convert best, both on Facebook and Instagram, but we believe that Photo Ads will work well too when you’re marketing these products.
That’s simply because these are pretty straightforward products – you don’t need to see a video to see how they work.
Interested in an example target audience for your first ads promoting these products?
We’ve dropped one below that you can start using today.
Okay, at this point you’ve got a high-potential product to sell, a strong pricing plan, and a good idea of how you need to position and market this product. Now it’s over to you.
Facebook Ad Targeting
Location: USA
Age: 18 – 65+
Gender: All
People who match: Decor Home Ideas
And must also match: Home Décor Products
And must also match: House Beautiful
Devices: All
Placements: Facebook News Feed, Instagram Feed, Instagram Stories