Most Used Email Clients Worldwide
With billions of users worldwide and more than 347 billion emails being exchanged every day, email has come a long way since it was invented in 1971.
Today, people all over the world have a host of email clients to choose from.

Email client market share breakdown
According to the latest data, as of August 2023, the two most used email clients in the world are Apple and Gmail. At 58%, Apple has the majority of the email client market share. It’s used by more than half of the world’s email users to send and receive emails.
Apple’s market share marks a marginal 0.28 percentage point decrease from a year ago in May 2022, when its share was 57.72%. Over the past 12 months, its highest market share came in at 65.06% in November 2022. It fell to 64.31% in December 2022, before starting 2023 with yet another dip to 58.73% in January 2023. There was a slight rise to 59.81% the following month but since then, Apple’s market share has been falling.
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Gmail ranks in second place, after Apple. Currently, the Gmail market share is at 28.78%, falling slightly by 0.65 percentage points from 29.43% the previous year. In other words, just over one in four email users in the world currently use Gmail, which is owned by Google. Gmail’s email client market share fell to 23.51% in November 2022, the same time Apple’s peaked. Aside from a small decline in February 2023, it’s been rising month after month since.
Even though it’s the second-most popular email client, Gmail’s market share is still a significant 29.22 percentage points behind Apple’s. But together, Apple and Gmail make up a whopping 86.78% of the total email client market share. This means that more than four out of every five email users use either Apple or Gmail.
The third-most popular email client is Microsoft’s Outlook. It’s used by 4.2% of email users worldwide. Fourth on the list of the most used email clients is Yahoo! Mail, which has a market share of 2.74%. This is followed by Google Android, with 1.56%, and Outlook.com, with 0.6%.
As of August 2023, the seventh- to 10th-most popular email clients and their market shares are:
- Thunderbird: 0.24%
- Samsung Mail: 0.12%
- Web.de: 0.06%
- GMX: 0.05%