Start Dropshipping in France with Oberlo!
Discover everything you need to easily run your online dropshipping business in France. And it’s free!
Why start a Dropshipping business in France?
In France, the average online shopper spends approximately €1,780 making it a great nation to market to and a great country to start an online store in. The French prefer paying for purchases via credit card and PayPal making it optimal for online businesses to thrive when marketing in France. Whether you’re marketing your business to those in France or internationally, as a French dropshipper you have the freedom to decide who your business markets to. Shipping costs are so low when dropshipping with Oberlo that there’s no limit to who your customers can be. Dropshipping in France allows you to run a risk-free business without holding inventory and shipping products. Since you have more time to focus on marketing, you can grow your business quickly and scale even as a solo entrepreneur. Most of the work is automated, like order processing and product imports, so you have more time to relax.

Why Dropshipping is Better Than Wholesale in France?
Dropshipping is better than wholesale in France. French dropshippers can benefit from low risk and low costs. The risk is low for dropshippers in France because they don’t need to buy bulk inventory and only purchase goods as they’re sold to customers. It’s also a low-risk business model because you can add or remove products from your website if something isn’t performing well without any financial costs. Costs are lower because French dropshippers can do the work themselves as the business grows as most of the work is automated. Fewer employees need to be hired since shipping and packaging is outsourced. Dropshipping is a great business model for first-time entrepreneurs. By dropshipping via Oberlo, you can easily select the best products based on high order volume and quality reviews to find the right products for your store. Payment gateways in France are covered in the section.
Payment gateways in France
- 2Checkout
- Alipay Global
- Amazon Pay
- Bancontact/Mister Cash via Mollie
- BitPay
- Coinbase
- ComproPago (Efectivo)
- CyberSource
- ePay / Payment Solutions
- G2A Pay
- GoCoin
- IATS Payments
- iDEAL via Mollie
- Mondido Payments
- MultiSafepay
- NETbilling
- Ogone DirectLink
- Paybox Direct
- PayPal Express Checkout
- QuickPay
- Realex Payments (Offsite)
- Skrill
- SOFORT Banking (DIRECTebanking)
- Stripe
- WorldPay (Direct)
- WorldPay (Offsite)