Digital Ad Spend by Country
Recent data shows that global digital ad spend is set to rise 9.5% this year, to $601.8 billion. The fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry has the biggest share of the total ad spend, with 19.5%. In other words, nearly one-fifth of the overall expenditure on digital ads is set to come from companies in the FMCG sector. This is followed by the retail industry, with 12.7% of the market share.
But what about in terms of country? Which nation is spending the most on digital advertising? Here’s a breakdown of the digital ad spend by country.

Digital ad spend by country: 2022
According to a recent analysis of digital ad spend by country, the United States spent the most on online advertising in 2022. Its total ad spend came up to $243.9 billion. This is followed by China, whose digital ad expenditures hit $155.7 billion, around two-thirds of the spending by the US. In total, the US and China spent nearly $400 billion on online ads in 2022.
Third on the list ranking digital ad spend by country is the United Kingdom. In 2022, the UK spent $37.8 billion on online advertisements. This is followed by Japan, which spent $23.9 billion. Germany rounds out the top five nations on the list of digital ad spend by country, with an expenditure of $14.4 billion.
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Canada is the country with the sixth-largest digital ad spend. In 2022, companies there spent $13.6 billion on online ads. Australia and France follow, with $11.8 billion and $10 billion, respectively. South Korea ranks ninth on the list breaking down digital ad spend by country. Expenditure there totaled just over $9 billion. Brazil rounds out the top 10, with $8.4 billion.
Digital ad spend by country: 2023 annual growth
With the number of internet users worldwide rising year after year, it should come as no surprise that many countries are increasing their expenditures on online ads.
In 2023, Peru is set to see the biggest growth in digital ads expenditure, as spending is forecast to rise by 20%. Argentina and Chile follow close behind, with 19.2% and 17%, respectively.
The country with the fourth largest digital ad expenditure growth this year is India, with 16.5%. Colombia rounds out the top five, with an expected increase of 16%.