Business name generator
Generate business names instantly
Enter a word that you want your business name to include
Enter keywords based on the core concept of your company into the business name generator search engine.
Within seconds, comb through the hundreds of suggestions that the company name generator produces for then name that works best for your business.
It's time to take your new business name and run with it! Set up your website domain before the name is taken. You're one step closer to getting your venture off the ground.

Name your business
When you start a business, your to-do list can seem a bit overhwelming. It's important to work as efficiently as possible. Not getting slowed down on the details and learning as you go are keys to successfully setting up shop. With this mindset, however, you might find that one task is trickier and more time consuming than you would like it to be: coming up with the name for your business. Instead of driving yourself crazy trying to do everything on your own, work smart and employ the help of a business name generator.

Use a business name generator
Not only are many online business name generators free, they are also easy to use. With a good company name generator you can come up with the right name for your ecommerce shop in just seconds.
To get started, simply enter your selected keywords into the search box. If you're wondering which words to use, think about which products you are selling. If your store specializes in matcha powder, for instance, 'matcha powder' is a perfectly acceptable keyword to use in the business name generator. Then, based on an algorithm, the tool will formulate hundreds, if not thousands of options for you to choose from. These tools offer the perfect dose of creative inspiration and a new perspective to supplement your own ideas.

Select from thousands of options
Business name generators are free and designed to create hundreds or even thousands of options based on your keywords. Comb through the many variations and sleect the best ones listed. You may even find that the generator gives you the right burst of inspiration to come up with your own version of the options listed.

Keep it short and sweet
While it is a relatively small undertaking compared to some of the other necessary aspects of launching a new business, the name is of great importance. It must communicate to people what you are selling and express some brand identity. It will form the basis for everyone's first impression, and the real pressure comes through in the fact that you cannot simply change the name any old time once you've begun operating under that title. This will only confuse everyone and create more hassles for you down the line!

Don't wait
An added challenge of coming up with a business name is choosing one that hasn't already been taken. In the age of the Internet, this factor is compounded by the fact that you'll need to select a domain name for your website that isn't already being used. Once you've found something from the business name generator that you like, set up that domain as soon as possible!
Thankfully, there are company name generators online that also have built-in tools for checking domain name availabilities, which will help the process go along a lot faster and without as much frustration.
Try our free business name generator today.
Is Oberlo's Business Name Generator free?
Yes, the business name generator is 100% free. To get started, simply enter your main product or industry into the search box. Then, based on an algorithm, the tool will formulate 100+ options for you to choose from. Our tool offers the perfect dose of creative inspiration and a new perspective to supplement your own ideas.
How can I pick a business name?
From the hundreds of options from our generator, you should pick a name that you are passionate about and fits your brand values. It is good to have a business name that identifies with your industry. For instance, Paula's Pink Flamingos doesn't identify as a specific industry, but Paula's Pirouetting Flamingos alludes to a dance school run by Paula.
Can a business name be trademarked?
Yes, a business name can be trademarked. There are many reasons to trademark a business name, but the most common reason is that it gives you the exclusive right to use your business name worldwide without worrying about another business using it. Most notable trademark business names include Disney, Nike, Apple, Mercedes, and McDonald's.
Which business name suits your brand?
Before choosing a business name, think about your brand values and what is important to your business. Is your brand all about fairtrade or sustainability? Make sure that the business name you choose reflects these values so they don't create conflict in the future. Be sure there are no double meanings or translations that could land you in hot water.
What is a catchy business name?
A catchy name is something short, memorable for your target audience, and easy to pronounce. The guidelines are to keep your business name between 1-2 words. For instance, Band-Aid, Hoover, Google, and Popsicle are all business names that became everyday terms due to their catchy nature.
Why is a business name important?
A business name is important as it can set you apart from your competitors. Choosing a name that instills safety in customers can be a great strategy for an alarm company, or choosing a reckless business name can identify a new brand as disruptors in an industry.
Where can I check if my business name is available?
You can check if your business name is available as a domain within any domain hosting service. Simply enter the name in their search bar and they will return all available instances of your business name. Normally the price is advertised beside each domain so you can easily choose which domain is within budget for you.
What other tools should I use for my business?
There are many other free tools you can use for your business. You can try a free QR code generator tool to get more people on your website, a free logo maker to create the perfect logo for your brand, or a barcode generator to identify and track retail products quickly.