Dropshipping is a business like any other business. –Mordechai Arba
Like all entrepreneurial ventures, starting a dropshipping business is no walk in the park.
Persevering through its ups and downs and fighting the urge to give up when things just don’t seem to go your way is all part of the game.
But it’s also the (not-so-secretive) secret to dropshipping success.
If you’re having one of those days where all you wanna do is throw in the towel, don’t.
Whether you’re feeling a little discouraged or lost and just need a nudge in the right direction, we’re here to lift you back up.
Here’s a collection of some of our favorite dropshipping quotes from successful merchants. From inspirational and motivational ones to actionable ones, we’ve got you covered.
Read through them, reflect on them, and think about how you can apply them to your dropshipping business.

On Dropshipping
- If you treat dropshipping like a business and don’t treat dropshipping just like dropshipping, I think you will take it more seriously and you will do better. –Suhail Nurmohamed
- We really love marketing and we really hate fulfillment and manufacturing. So dropshipping was the perfect thing. –Yuliya Chernykhovskaya
- Dropshipping is the entry point for a lot of people to business, ecommerce, and entrepreneurship. It’s the perfect first business. –Lachlan Delchau-Jones
On Starting a Dropshipping Store
- People look at it as a crazy, get-rich-quick, young-person, Lamborghini kind of business. And it just isn’t that simple, it’s a lot of variables that go into this. –Kamil Sattar
- Don’t start with niche products to sell because you need to learn so much. The learning curve is huge. Go general, test many products, and do Facebook ads. Focus on that until you feel comfortable with the platforms and until you feel like you know your stuff. –Mordechai Arba
- In the beginning, when you’re still looking for products, the number one thing would just be having enough patience to test the products and being okay with making mistakes because that is how you’re learning the process. –Shishir Nigam
On Marketing and Products
- There is nothing really cool or fancy about the products that I launch but it’s just because I learned the way to properly market them, that’s why they work. –Vlad Gasan
- Ads certainly are a way to get traffic quickly but you do also have to keep up with those ads. It’s not something that you can stop doing because if you do, your traffic dies off because you haven’t built that community around the product. –Courtney White
- You have to put in a lot of time in writing a very good product description. If English is not your mother tongue, it’s very important to have not one typo. Nothing. It has to be perfect grammatically and no typos. –Andreas Koenig
- When you can really focus on one product and one audience then you can really dive deep into that and figure out exactly how to promote to them and create a brand around that. –Emma Reid
- Many people talk about saturation, which is a word I really hate personally because I think saturation is just a synonym for competition, but it’s a much more negative tone. –Ahmed Hadi
On Outsourcing and Scaling Your Dropshipping Store
- A big thing is creating systems as you start scaling up your business and really only using your time and energy towards what’s gonna drive you the most revenue. –Ryan Carroll
- People don’t associate churn with dropshipping businesses because they just think you buy Facebook ads or whatever ads and you obtain a customer, and that’s it. But if you really focus on retaining customers, that’s when you can make a lot more money dropshipping. –Mike Pavlou
- Customer support is very important because if you scale and you have no customer support team, you will get hundreds of emails and will not be able to manage them. –Alexander Pecka
- Once you kinda have success with one store, and once you’ve got your customer service in place, once you’ve got your email systems in place, you know how to run your adverts, it’s easy enough to replicate success over different stores. –Harry Coleman
What’s the right path to dropshipping success?
There’s really no one single answer.
Some of these successful dropshippers have found success in a winning product, while others found it in their marketing strategy.
But if there’s one thing and one thing only that these successful merchants have in common, it’s their determination, willingness to persevere, and acceptance of failure.
It’s easy for anyone to set up a dropshipping store. But if you don’t have the passion within yourself and you don’t have that drive, that fire, and that fuel, you won’t have success. –Suhail Nurmohamed
We hope that these quotes have inspired you and provided you with an insight into how some of the most successful dropshipping merchants approach their business.
Let me leave you with yet another quote but one that beautifully summarizes the journey to dropshipping success.
After we lose any kind of money, we are scared. I’ve been there too, so I can totally get it. But we shouldn’t give up, no matter what, because it works–and it really works. –Burak Doğan